Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Welcome to the Coolblue on-boarding page. 

Build your Coolblue connection via Onetrail in 7 steps.

titleAccepted messagesSupported standards

Coolblue currently accepts the following messagesstandards

  • Edifact D.96A
  • Edifact D.97A
  • Onetrail XML

titleSupported message types

Coolblue currently supports the following message typesservices:

  • Send orders
  • Receive order response
  • Receive despatch advices
  • Receive invoices
  • Receive product data

Step 1: Fill in customer setup-form

An Onetrail employee will send you a 'Customer Setup-Form'.  This form will contain all required EDI data, such as;

  • GLN
  • Contact Information
  • Means of communication
  • IP addresses

titleReturn period

Please make sure you return the filled out Setup-Form as soon as possible. After receipt by Onetrail we will process the Setup-Form within two days.

Step 2: Approve onboarding requirements Coolblue

Coolblue applies a strict EDI policy. This means Coolblue wants to know exactly what happens with their orders in the order response message. It is therefore required to approve the Onboarding requirements.

  • If the requirements are met, please send your approval in an email to
  • If the requirements are not met, please contact your Onetrail Implementation Consultant to discuss the possibilities.

Specific Coolblue business requirements:

Order Response
Suppliers must be able to comply with all order response scenario's mentioned below in step 5.

  • Suppliers need to be able to handle all of the Coolblue delivery locations. Production GLN codes will be provided by either Onetrail or Coolblue when the Supplier has finished onboarding for Coolblue entirely.
  • Suppliers need to take the requested delivery date on line level into account, not on header level.
  • Suppliers are suggested to put order lines with price mismatches on hold. When not possible it's also allowed to send the adjusted price to Coolblue. It's NOT allowed to cancel an order line entirely at once without any kind of feedback upfront to Coolblue.
  • Suppliers are suggested to send order responses multiple times a day but are at minimum required to do so within 4 hours after order placement.
  • Adding an additional order line to the order is NOT allowed. In case of incorrectly ordered products or End of Life products, Coolblue must be contacted and after mutual agreements between the Supplier and Coolblue the incorrectly ordered product(s) on the order, the line can be cancelled entirely. When possible, for example in the case of a replacement product, Coolblue will order the suggested product in a new purchase order.
  • Suppliers ought to send remarks on the header and line level for every Delete and On-hold status order response message.

Despatch Advice Coolblue Standard (including amount of pallets)

  • Suppliers ought to send product Serial Numbers in the Despatch Advice (DESADV) messages.
Coolblue is investigating more requirements for the DesAdv message.
  • Suppliers ought to send the amount of pallets in the DESADV messages.
  • Send your DESADV message before 14:00 to be able to get a next day delivery slot.
  • Your requested date for a delivery slot must be at least 1 day in the future.
  • A shipment id/DESADV number is to be used for goods you wish to deliver at 1 inbound location at 1 moment. OR it can be used per truck if this truck only delivers at 1 inbound location*.
  • If you use a shipment id for multiple DESADV messages then the requested slot must be the same; 1 shipment id and 1 generation date on multiple messages cannot have a deviating ship date.
  • Deliveries that are communicated via DESADV should no longer be communicated via email to If you have a non-EDI order that you cannot communicate via DESADV, then you can communicate via email.
  • Make sure the correct email address on which our inbound team can contact you is communicated via the DESADV message. If you are unable to make the confirmed delivery slot, then contact to reschedule.
  • The package types within the DESADV must be the same. A mix of pallets and Packages in one DESADV is not allowed.
  • Order Line numbers in the DESADV should match Order line numbers in the purchase order id.
  • Please note that Coolblue requires some extra fields that are not required in the standard Onetrail format.

           See Coolblue Standard examples 

Despatch Advice Onetrail Standard (without amount of pallets)


  • Invoices cannot be sent before the goods have left the Seller suppliers warehouse
  • Only invoices can be sent via EDI. Credits and Service invoices (repairs) can be processed via PDF
  • Invoices for €0,- are not required
  • Each invoice can only contain information for a single PO
  • Street and city name from Coolblue are communicated: Weena 664, Rotterdam
  • Street and city name from the seller supplier are communicated
  • The Seller supplier account number (IBAN) is communicated
  • The order reference (CX..) is communicated on both header and on line level
  • The Total VAT amount is communicated on header level
  • The total amount excluding VAT is communicated on both header and on line level
  • The VAT registration number is communicated
  • Each VAT rate is totaled on header level (VAT1; VAT2)
  • The total VAT amount is communicated on line level
  • The VAT rate is communicated on line level
  • The Manufacture code for the item is communicated on line level
  • An item description is communicated on line level
  • The original PO line number is communicated
  • The unit price is communicated on line level

    See Invoice examples

Product data

  • Product data has to be available via Product Manager upload or Product Exchange.

Step 3: Means of communication

Onetrail supports a wild array of communication options, they can be found on this page.

An Onetrail Consultant will test the chosen communication protocol with you, both on the Onetrail Acceptance and Production environments.

Step 4: Setup test trading partner

While onboarding with Coolblue, Onetrail will test using a test account on the Onetrail Acceptance environment.
The test account is linked to an automatic validation process that provides automatic feedback about the currently performed tests.

The GLN codes which need to be used for this Acceptance test account are:

Onetrail EDIFACT D.96A / D.97A Format

GLN Onetrail Edifact Test Buyer
UNB & NAD+BY8713783719626Trading Partner GLN
NAD+ST8713783719640Ship To GLN
NAD+IV8713783719633Invoice To GLN

Onetrail XML Format

GLNOnetrail XML Test Buyer
<toRole>8714253023366Trading Partner GLN
<shipTo>8714253023380Ship To GLN
<billTo>8714253023397Invoice To GLN

titleCorrect GLN

Please communicate with the correct GLN's in the test Order Response and Despatch Advice messages. Incorrect GLN's won't provide any feedback.

Step 5: Configure messages

Functional documentation

Please refer to the services for suppliers for the functional documentation for each supported service: Services for suppliers

Technical documentation



Please refer to


the EDIFACT documentation supporting both versions D96A and D97AEdifact documentation

Please refer to


the XML schema documentation :


XML schema documentation

Onetrail Order Response XML-EDIFACT DOC.

Specific Coolblue Order Response requirements


It is mandatory that the outbound message (ORDRSP) supports the following scenario's when applicable (it needs to reflect the physical / real world shipments)

Scenario 1: Order confirmed without changes

  • 1.1: The Seller supplier accepts the purchase order with exactly the same prices, quantities and requested delivery dates as requested.

Scenario 2: Order confirmed with changes

  • 2.1: Accept the purchase order with a deviating price
  • 2.2: Accept the purchase order with a deviating delivery date. Test both known and unknown delivery date responses.
  • If there is a change in the requested quantities, please use Scenario 8: Order-Line is split instead.

Scenario 3: Order on-hold

  • 3. There is a blockage on the complete order, this can occur when there are financial, sales, stock or other technical issues with the purchase order which prevents physical delivery of the products. This excludes normal back-orders, because that is Scenario 2.

Scenario 4: Order-line on-hold

  • 4. There is a blockage on one or more Order-Lines, this can occur when there are financial, sales, stock or other technical issues with the purchase order.

Scenario 5: Order deleted

  • 5. Purchase order is cancelled by either Seller supplier or Buyerbuyer.

Scenario 6: Order-line(s) Deleted

  • 6. One or more Order-Lines have been cancelled by either Seller supplier or Buyerbuyer.

Scenario 7: Order-line is added (Not allowed for Coolblue)

  • 7. Seller supplier adds a new Order-line on request of the Buyer buyer or because of a change by either Seller supplier or Buyerbuyer.

Scenario 8: Order-line is split

When the Order will be partially delivered, the quantity which is available for delivery will be shipped when requested, the quantity which is not available will be either put in **back-order (8.1)**, **blocked (8.2)**, or ** cancelled (8.3)**.

  • 8.1A1a: Accept the purchase order with a split-order line backorder response with either known and/or unknown delivery dates.
  • 8.1B1b: Also confirm in an update response that the on-stock order line is partially shipped and the other order line is still partially back-ordered.
  • 8.2 Accept the purchase order with a split-order line on-hold/blocked response with unknown delivery date.
  • 8.3 Accept the purchase order with a split-order line delete response with unknown delivery date.

Example messages


Please find example messages for the scenario's for each supported standard:

EDIFACT D.96A Examples
EDIFACT D.97A Examples
XML Order Response examples

Additional Message Type ExamplesCoolblue specific examples:

Not AvailableNot Available
View XML
Edifact D96aView EdifactView EdifactView Edifact
Edifact D97aView EdifactView EdifactView Edifact

For the rest please refer to the standard message documentation and examples: Messages

Step 6: Test Messages

For validation and simulation, please use the NAD segments as mentioned in the original ORDER.
Send in the ORDRSP and DESADV messages via the preferred communications channel and receive an validation report via E-mail.

Step 7: Go Live 

When all scenario's are tested your Onetrail Implementation Consultant will inform Coolblue that the onboarding is completed.

Golden order
Before a full production Go Live is possible, Coolblue will first send an so-called "golden order".
This order must fully processed and delivered to the selected Coolblue warehouse and all developed response messages must be send back via Live EDI connection for that order.

Full Go live!
A full Go Live is possible when Coolblue receives the physical delivery correctly and on time as confirmed in the EDI Order Response and Despatch Advise message(s). Coolblue will let you know when a full Go Live is possible.
However, when the process wasn't completed satisfactory, Coolblue might opt to send another "golden order" to repeat and verify the process again.